Blixt Merchandise

mclusky - the world is still here and so are we CD - Pre-Order

mclusky - the world is still here and so are we

mclusky are a band who were a band, weren’t a band, then are a band again. they formed in the late nineties and unformed, for the first time, in 2005, after three albums, opinions of which can be found on the internet. the path to re-becoming a band started in 2014, with the band playing sporadic shows and after some misadventures, which can be put down to life in its most wonderful forms, in 2025 they will release their first record in twenty years, ‘the world is still here and so are we’, on ipecac recordings.

1       unpopular parts of a pig
2       cops and coppers
3       way of the exploding dickhead
4       the battle of los angelsea
5       people person
6       the competent horse thief
7       kafka-esque novelist franz kafka
8       the digger you deep
9       autofocus on the prime directive
10      not all steeplejacks
11      chekhov's guns
12      juan party-system
13      hate the polis

Release date: May 9th, 2025
***Please note this is a Pre-Order and will ship out early May 2025***

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